Kanye West’s Fame Comes to a Abrupt End

    Kanye West, also known as “Ye”, is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer and fashion designer. He used to be one of the most influential figures in the music industry because of his political involvement and religious thoughts, But recently he has become one of the most controversial rappers in the industry. Beginning in early October, West went on a spree of public appearances where he made a series of anti-Semitic comments as well as making false claims about George Floyd’s death.


    West said in an interview with Drink Champs, one of the most popular music podcasts, that after watching Candance Owens’ George Floyd documentary, he decided that “They hit him with fentanyl, if you look, the guy’s knee wasn’t even on his neck like that.” After this episode of the podcast got released, West’s interview got taken off. The contents of the interview were heard by George Floyd’s family. According to NPR, on Octo. 18 Roxie Wilson, the mother of George Floyd’s daughter, sued West for 250 million dollars.  


      West also made a series of comments on Twitter and in TV interviews supporting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that in the past have spurred hate and violence against Jewish people. These comments sparked widespread criticisms and he was locked out of his Instagram and Twitter accounts. In addition to removing him from social media, many of West’s  biggest business partners cut ties after hearing about the comments. On Octo. 21, one of West’s closest collaborators, Balenciaga, announced that it would no longer be working with him. Following in the footsteps of Balenciaga, on Oct.25, Adidas and Gap both announced the end of their relations with West. 


     West has millions of fans across the world, but his recent actions have made many of them question their support. “I’ve been a Kanye fan since day one,” 16-year-old Colter Russel of Hellgate High School said. ”I’ve always looked up to him so it’s disappointing hearing all the news about him.”

West’s actions have impacted him more than anyone could have foreseen. His comments have ended relations with Balenciaga, Gap, Adidas, Vogue and a multitude of other companies, dropped his networth from 2 billion to 400 million, his talent agency dropped him as a client, and sale and production of his products has stopped. So… is this the end of Kanye?