Feb. 18-21 was “Missoula Speaks” at Hellgate, put on by the student organization Hellgate United. It was a week dedicated to having community members come into our high school and talk about their careers, perspectives, and introduce our students to the possibilities available within our own community.
Missoula Speaks was very similar to what was called “Diversity Week” in past years but since the word “diversity” has become quite politicized, the name of the week was changed. Regardless, the spirit of the week remains the same.
This year’s guest speakers discussed topics ranging from Homeless Outreach to ways to use theater to bring attention to mental health issues. Each talk was attended by 15-30 students and was filled with interesting perspectives and thought provoking questions.
The slogan for the week was “One community, many voices” which co-president of Hellgate United, Hannah Lunde, said really encapsulates the goal of Missoula Speaks. “I think that really speaks to why we’re doing this and we’re getting a lot of representation out there,” said Lunde.
Many students got to enjoy the presentations, they were offered throughout the week during many different periods and teachers were able to sign their classes up for as many as they wanted. It was a really great way to learn about all of the different opportunities and jobs that are in Missoula’s community. “We want people to really embrace the differences in our community, and Missoula Speaks is a really great way to do that,” said Lunde.
Some students were also given the opportunity to attend lectures that interested them, which provided many with the opportunity to dive deeper into subjects that they were passionate about. This was a lovely way to encourage attendance at these presentations.
Overall, the week was a success. Many students were able to go to multiple presentations and learn about a variety of topics. The speakers were very knowledgeable in their topics and were able to lead the classes on an interesting and informative journey throughout the 50 minute class period.