The mural alley project at the ZACC showcases three different artists’ alleyway murals. These artists were hired to create murals in the alleyway behind the ZACC. They were asked to create a mural with the subject of “feeling welcomed”.
The first mural by April Werle presents a hand reaching out to touch a smaller hand on a building. The palate is grey and white creating a contrast against the red brick walls and tin roofs that surround it. This mural’s background is an abstract Missoula with the “M” shown on what appears to be a mountain. The closer I look the more hidden details there are which I personally really quite enjoy. I love how the lack of color makes such a bright contrast especially to the murals around it, which I will get into soon. I enjoyed this mural but not as much as the others.
Stella Nall’s mural is a bright yellow which I think looks so pleasing next to Werle’s mural. The mural depicts a funny mouse and snake-like creature with multi-colored hands sticking out of it. I love the funkiness of this painting and how the creature basically fills up her whole canvas. In the side grounds there are black birds with hands as wings. I have seen Stellas work before and I have a couple of her stickers. Her style is just so unique and you can really pick it out of a crowd. I am so stoked to see Nall’s work outside in town.
Willow Kipp’s mural utilizes spray paint which I think gives it a different look from the other two. Kipp is a Native American artist and she incorporated her culture into her work. There are tipis in the background in front of the “M” mountain. The mountains appear to be covered in snow or moonlight, there is a pleasant usage of gradients in the sky which contrasts the geometric shapes defined by colors at the bottom of the mural. At the top of the mural there are five words, “better than I found it”. I think that these words symbolize how Missoula has progressed as a city and how it has been for the better. I really loved the touch of words and the meaning that they brought to the issue of the treatment of Native Americans.
After viewing all of these amazing murals i have found that Stella Nalls was my favorite. I liked her mural the most because of the color used in it. I am familiar with this artist as she sells stickers at Bettys Divine. I have always been very drawn to her art and i am really happy that her art is being showcased in a large way.