With Thursday class periods lasting 34 minutes, no more block periods, and having classes end at inconvenient times, many opinions have been surfacing from students about this new schedule. But what exactly is it about these new rules that students like or dislike?
Q-“Do you think the new schedule times are beneficial or inconvenient to our school?”
A-Story Land, junior: “I think that it is inconvenient, especially on Thursdays, I think it’s super inconvenient to only have classes for 35 minutes, also 5 periods before lunch is wild. That was the longest morning of my life.”
A-Ben Bryant, junior: “I don’t really think the schedule times are inconvenient. I like getting out earlier and I prefer early out to late start.”
A-Hadley Henderson, sophomore- “Personally I like starting earlier because I feel more productive, but I think the Thursday early out schedule with office hours feels too rushed to get anything done.”
A-Anna Bacon, teacher – “I think the start and stop times for students are beneficial especially if they’re in activities after school. I don’t necessarily think it has been beneficial to teachers yet because the 7 period day means that we are frantically getting things done instead of getting to leave earlier.”
Q-“What are your thoughts on classes now ending and starting on numbers such at 38 and 12?”
A-Anna Bacon- “That doesn’t bother me as much. I think it bothers the students a little more because it is confusing, the only thing I would add though is, the earlier we get out people who take the city bus have to figure out what to do until that bus comes.”
The opinions on this situation are mixed but we all seem to have our own problems with the new schedule system even if the overall thought of it is good.