Currently the Republican, Democratic, and Independent parties have three people running for the main spot to fight for presidential office in 2024. The Democrats currently have Joe Biden, the Democratic frontrunner, Mariane Williamson, and Dean Philips all fighting for top spot. The Republicans have former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, Nikki Haley and Ryan Blinkley still in the running. The Independent party options are Robert Kennedy Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein. Behind these are 11 dropouts who gave up their fight a bit earlier on.
Sage Brown is a senior at Hellgate High School who currently considers herself part of the Republican party. Though this year is the first that she can actually vote, she has been exposed to political advocacy from both sides since she was young, like most people are in the United States. Some of the political mediums she was exposed to she said were very influential in the formation of her political ideology.
When asked about her most memorable experience with political media she said, “one political cartoon that caught my attention was a clever depiction of two politicians shaking hands with one hand while hiding a knife behind their backs with the other.” She stated that it was so powerful to her because it, “symbolizes the idea of hidden agendas and deceit in politics”. The way in which politics is projected onto younger children is important because it can be used to manipulate people young and old.
Many of the people of America are waiting for the political ad campaigns to begin swarming all forms of media. The most popular media sources such as Tik Tok and Instagram have already seen an uptick in politics-related videos as new and old voters are struggling to create their voting ideology as things are heating up. Brown said that she has been likely the most influenced in her voting ideals by her family, however she also stated that she doesn’t agree with everything they say and stand for. She said that she shapes her own opinions.
Like many new voters, Brown is struggling to mix together the political ideologies she believes and knows while also mixing her own ideals. Because of this voters can’t just vote Republican or Democrat because there is such a range of Republican and Democrat views. “I am able to vote this year so I have to take in who I want to vote for, and how they will benefit everything in the next four years,” Brown said. “I have to wait and find out what I think the best choice is” in regards to candidacy.
As with all things politics related there have been countless political conspiracies, political ads and as we enter debate season there have been several heated arguments and the general pettiness associated with U.S. politics. Several interesting comments have been thrown against his fellow party runners, the majority of which were hurled against Marianne Williamson who has landed her second place spot in their party.
Even with all of this, the political season is just now heating up and there is much more to come. Already state primaries are being held to decide candidacy for the election, as well the presidential debates set to start in mid-September. In the most recent years the way people vote and the influences associated with it have changed drastically. Though for the great majority of people, voting is assured, however the ways in which we vote will continue to be greatly changed as the world around us changes.
Several political officials have begun suggesting raising the voting age anywhere from 21 years old to 25 years old instead of 18 years old as it has been for the last 50 years since the early 1970s. When asked about her opinion in changing to voting age, Brown had a lot to say. She stated, “I think i’m smack in the middle. I think people who are 18 should have the right to vote with their young minds, they should have a say in shaping the future, but I do see where people who want to raise the voting age are coming form. we have not experienced that much life yet especially since we’re 18, but I argue by saying adults who are atleast 30 or 40 experience a different kind of growing up than we do today.”
She also stated “I kind of think it should stay the same since I do get the chance to vote this year so its a different experieince, but at the same time don’t we want young people to be aware of politics. I thought that was the whole point so I dont see a reason to change the age”. If the voting age is moved so far as 25 people who were able to vote in the last election will have that right completely revoked which is bound to spur a lot of anger towards the government.
The addition of new voters and voices also help to develop the ever changing political climate into one made for the people by the people. So voters young and old can insert their own voices into the functioning of their country.
Thankfully throughout Missoula there are countless resources for new and old voters to register to vote. Any person who fits the voting guidelines can register by mail up to 30 days before the elcetion day and if people register in person they can do it day of. Several buisinesses throughout Missoula offer various resources for registering to vote such as the locally owned and run resturant Bridge Pizza. They have two locations that offer information about general registration reuirements involved with registering to vote.
What Can Be Expected From The 2024 Voting Year
Kahlia Loewen, Reporter
March 11, 2024
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About the Contributor
Kahlia Loewen, Reporter
Hi I'm Kahlia Loewen, I'm a senior at Hellgate and this is my second year on the lance. I mostly write opinion and news pieces as well as doing some photography for my stories. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing and lots of baking sweet treats in my free time.