Art Club: Making Hellgate More Colorful


Art Club members creating posters for the upcoming basketball games. Photo by Devyn Deschamps

 Fulfilling credits in order to graduate is always the first priority for Hellgate Knights, so opportunities to take classes within the arts are for some, unattainable. Cue in the Art Club, where students meet weekly and are able to freely create without the stress of grades. 

The club has been a tradition within Hellgate and has always had a strong student backing. With many students being involved in highly competitive activities, the art club has the detoxifying aspect of peaceful projects.

Vice President Junior Gemma Ryan describes the group as students who can make independent choices and projects, without the ordinary restrictiveness of a club. “Members often have a lot of free will to take projects in different directions,” said Ryan. Ryan details Art club as having an “exciting atmosphere while also giving our work lots of layers and diversity.”

Likewise, second-year President Junior Lillie Lambert, strives on the club being made up of varied personalities. “My favorite part about the club is the wonderful and diverse group of people!” said Lambert. 

 Member Junior Phoebe Dillon recounts joining Art Club as a freshman, saying, “it sounded like a fun way to add more art into my day.” Art Club has had various different events, but Dillon’s favorite being repainting the murals on the third floor. After not being retouched for nearly a decade, last year Art club took it upon themselves to restore the murals to their past glory. 

Ryan and Lambert were more fond of the events this year, such as the creation and ceremonial burning of an entirely student-made paper mache Big Sky High School Eagle, proceeding Hellgate’s Homecoming game. Or as Ryan said, “the eagle thrown into the fiery pits of the Hellgate bonfire.” 

Ryan also mentioned the recently passed art sale that was held prior to Winter Break as one of her highlights within the club. “We were raising money for the art department. We sold pins, totes, tshirts, pencil bags, all made by the Art Club during meetings and 2 after school meetings.” said Ryan. 

During Art Club’s last meeting, Lambert had everyone create hand painted posters to be held in the Upper Gymnasium for support to our Basketball teams. Currently, they are transitioning to creating a trophy for an upcoming lip synching competition. 

Beyond trophy-making, more Art Club merchandise sales are potentially on the horizon. Still, the club remains open minded to any activities. “People either come to us in need of some sort of artistic venture…, or we come up with our own projects,” said Ryan. Nonetheless, Ryan said that there are potential projects currently in work with S.A.V.E. that could be beginning soon. 

However, in regards to the future in the large scale, Lambert excitedly added that Art Club’s goals for the school are simply, “making it a brighter and more colorful place.”