Homecoming week

Homecoming Week is always full of exciting outfits, wild people, and school spirit. Through the week of Sept. 26-30 we saw just that. Monday was color day when freshmen wore pink, sophomores wore blue, juniors wore green, seniors wore orange, and the staff wore rainbow. People from every class were all looking very colorful and vibrant ready for a whole week of odd outfits and surprising fun.

Tuesday, day two, was Teen Beach Day when students dressed as either people on vacation or badass bikers. People came dressed in all leather or tacky tourist clothes.

Wednesday was Decades Day. The Freshman were the ‘50s, the Sophomores were the ‘60s, the Juniors were the ‘70s, the seniors were the ‘80s, and the staff were the ‘90s. We saw all kinds of styles from the past, ranging from poodle skirts all the way to hippie flare pants. Many students dug through their parents’ closets trying to be as authentic as possible.

After Decades Day, we had the traditional Hellgate bonfire consisting of an estimated 150 boxes of Little Caesar’s pizza that were all demolished by the student body and several games of tug of war where teams fought for the title of champions. Lastly, there was the sacrifice of a large paper mache eagle created by the Hellgate art club meant to symbolize Hellgate’s hopeful defeat of the Big Sky Eagles.


On day four of Spirit Week people dressed up in their baggiest of shorts and tee shirts like Adam Sandler or their most 2000s style of low-cut jeans and flashy colors like Paris Hilton.                

On the last day of Spirit Week Hellgate students dressed head to toe in red and gold to show support for our school and our sports teams. We ended the school day with a pep-rally and declaration of Homecoming Royalty.

Later in the day, we ended all of Spirit Week with a long football game against the Big Sky Eagles where students in attendance screamed their heads off in hopes of cheering our team to victory. Our crowd was led in lots of new cheers as encouragement for our team, in addition to many outfits of red shirts, gold tutus, and face paint, and lots of school spirit and hope for a win. Sadly even though the Hellgate crowd had twice as much spirit, the Hellgate Knights lost to the Big Sky Eagles by 1 point, the final score being 19-20.

Although we had to end our Spirit Week with a very sad loss, Hellgate banded together the entire week in order to support each other, and even with the loss all of Hellgate had a very good week working together and having fun in school.