Hellgate Volleyball Starts Back Up
Hellgate’s volleyball program has begun! This year the coaches and players must follow new COVID-19 rules so the team can continue to play. The new rules restrict physical contact between players and coaches, mandate mask usage at all times except during play, and require socially distanced or masked huddles. Unfortunately, on away games, only 20 girls can travel on the bus between JV and varsity, meaning some girls aren’t able to go. The coaches chose the players by how many practices they showed up to. Players are given two tickets the day before each game, they then must choose two people to come watch the game.
So far, Hellgate’s Volleyball team has done a great job following the new rules. “I don’t mind the new rules, I am just happy to be playing this year. In the summer our coach didn’t think we would even have a season, so we are lucky to be playing. The coaches have done good separating us out and I believe if we keep up with the new rules we can finish out the season without any health issues,” said Hellgate JV volleyball player – Katie Knie.
The volleyball team had planned on practicing throughout the summer but were unable to due to COVID-19 getting worse. The team was allowed to do socially distanced workouts, but they were not allowed to use a ball. Head coach Brittney Tilleman and JV coach Faith Bauer held workouts throughout the summer to help the girls prepare for the season.
Hellgate’s first game was on Sept. 8th against Helena Capital, they lost in all three sets. Hopefully new rules will help the volleyball team stay safe from COVID-19, so they are able to have a successful season this year.

Hi, my name is Sierra. I am a senior this year at Hellgate. I have always enjoyed writing and this will be my second year writing for Hallgate Lance! I...