Are horoscopes real?
A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the moon, sun, and planets and their astrological aspects of sensitive angles at the time of an event such as the moment of a person’s birth according to Wikipedia. A horoscope could also be described as a forecast of a person’s future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person’s birth.
The question of if they are real or not is where it could become confusing for one who isn’t the most familiar with astrology or more specifically horoscopes, because one may believe in what they are reading and may hope that the ‘fortune’ that is being told to them may be true, and another may not believe in what they are reading, therefore thinking it is false.
The word horoscope is derived from the Greek word hõra and scopus, meaning time and observer of the hour. They originated from astrology, begun by Babylonians developing their own forms of horoscopes roughly 2,400 years ago. Slowly they became more popular in Egypt when it went under control of the Greek kings. Eventually, horoscopes were adopted by the modern citizens of the world. Some people and or sites say that the signs and readings are based on how the stars move. Other commonly used names for horoscopes in English are natal chart, astrological chart, Astro chart, radical chart, and Rodex chart.
Horoscopes have been used as a method of divine observation regarding events relating to the point of time they represent, and form the basis of the horoscope traditions of astrology. Common usage of “horoscope” often refers to the astrological interpretation usually based on the system of the solar sign, which regards the position of the sun at the time of someone’s birth or on the calendar significance of an event.
Maggie Gibbons, a senior at Hellgate, believes that humans are always looking for a way to reflect on themselves and to determine the motivations for their actions, and horoscopes are just one of those ways someone may find those answers. “Personally, I believe that celestial bodies have a great impact on our decisions and our moods. The way I see it is we are made up of almost 70% water, and the materials that created our bodies are the same materials that make up the rest of our universe.”
Gibbons thinks it makes a lot of sense that the planets have an impact on who we are. She believes the planets give us a predisposition to what our actions might stray toward, however, we ultimately make the decisions to act the way we do.
Gibbons believes in horoscopes, but she also believes in the power to choose a different path than what astrology has dictated your day to be.
So maybe next time you pick up something that begins with or involves horoscopes or astrology, prepare yourself for a fortune of good and possibly bad things, along with the possible guidance and discovering of your possible actions and who you have become.
Overall the answer to ‘Are horoscopes real?’ is a question you have to ask yourself, and then decide based on your beliefs.
Hi my name is Audrey. I'm a Sophomore at Hellgate. I enjoy being outside and being active in all seasons. If you're like me at all, you can't sit still...